Basic Education Reforms in Guinea: Context and Concerns

  • Mamadou Saliou Diallo University of Tsukuba
Keywords: Basic education, education reform, developing countries, Guinea.


This paper sets out to consider the context and concerns in educational reform through an examination of the achievements and difficulties encountered in attempts to develop basic education in Guinea. Yet, many are the countries around the world, and more specifically developing countries that have constantly cherished basic education development. This is obvious since all these countries, including Guinea, have—at one time or another— undertaken reform in their education system. However, the real impact of these reform measures has been slow to be noticed, not only, with regard to the performance of the sector but also the improvement of human capital. As such, the paper proceeds to point out the prevailing issues in reform undertakings in Guinea’s education sector. The study uses qualitative approach, and both primary and secondary sources to portray major national education intervention programs and their relative outcomes. However, it appears that the inability of the system to capitalize on previous efforts and gains presents a key challenge to ensure the sustainability of basic education development in the country.


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How to Cite
Diallo, M. S. (2019). Basic Education Reforms in Guinea: Context and Concerns. West East Journal of Social Sciences, 8(3), 283-296.